Today is one of those days.
You know the kind I'm talking about? When you have a million brilliant thoughts and there isn't enough time or paper to write them all down? Yup, today is one of those if you don't mind, I think I will ramble for a while.
Thought #1
Everything is just so amazing to me today! I took Terry some lunch and asked the age old question..."If one awesome thought is a 'stroke of genius' then what are a lot of awesome thoughts?" I know, it makes you crazy just thinking about it huh?! :)
I guess it depends on your definition of the word - stroke -.
Stroke...first thing that comes to my mind is a pen this would be an entire "book" of genius.
2nd definition - brushstroke - this would be a "masterpiece" of genius.
3rd definition - stroke, as in health...Today I had a stroke....that would make this an "I just died" of genius.
Ya, I know...I have out done myself...I 'kill myself' with genius.
So, you ask, what am so smart about?
Nothing in particular. It has just been fun going down the 'stroke of genius' road and I don't want it to end.
Thought #2
Isn't it funny when we rehearse what we are going to say...
and then the times we use the same script we have used a million times before.
For instance...
Terry goes out of town every other weekend. Every Saturday morning this is our conversation...
Terry - "How did you sleep"?
Me - "Awful".
Terry - "Why"?
Me - "Cause you weren't here".
Terry - "Awwww....".
And then there are the things we can't wait to tell someone. We rehearse the whole conversation in our heads...we walk through the door and heaven forbid anyone stand in the way of what we have waited all day to be able to say.
Terry and I do that all the time too. Having a companion is a wonderful thing!
And then there are the times Terry has 'tons' of things to say, and the things that he wants to say aren't particularly 'nice', he does the "tight lips, thumb and first finger turning the key to lock in the 'ugly' things he was going to say" motion, and he doesn't have to say another word. That one action was probably worse than all the things I thought he might say.
Isn't life fun.
I know, the depth of my thoughts today are astonishing...
Some weeks I can't even think about what to put in my blog...
today I can't stop.
My real post for this week is actually the one I did earlier, about my Mom.
If I think of anymore amazing things I will post...if not, have a wonderful week.
Know that I love you all...even if it is just you Tiffany...this is for you.
I will have no more of this nonsense about Tiffany being the only one who reads your blog!!