Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Manure Happens

In life we have so many different types of people. It is such a wonderful blessing to be a part of this world and to experience life.
I think of some of the people who are important to me and some who aren't.
Why do we choose some of the friends we do?
Are we instantly compatible, so much alike that we practically read one another's minds?
Are we polar opposites, drawn to one another because it brings balance to our universe?
Either way we do choose.
We choose to love and to be loved.
We choose to work on relationships or just let them die because it is just too inconvenient.

We choose.

Have you ever chosen to befriend a manure person?

"What's a manure person?" you ask...

We all know these people, actually it is quite sad when you think about it...

Manure is such a natural thing, it is a part of life. It is used in so many different ways. I recently read, an article CJ wrote, about families gathering manure to use to start fires when the weather turns cold.

Manure, if used correctly can make beautiful things happen to flowers and gardens.
So, the manure itself isn't bad, it stinks, but it isn't bad.
I guess it is like everything else, it's what we choose to do with it that matters.

We all know where manure comes from,
we all know that it is stinky and gross...
we all know that if it is left alone it will get a crust on it and it will dry out.

The people I am talking about today are the ones that love to walk up to a pile of manure and kick it, just to cause a 'stink'.

Let it go...

let the dung dry up and blow away.

Or use it to make something grow, or to keep someone warm.

Don't just make a stink...!!!

Make it a wonderful week,
and let's all try not to cause a STINK!!

I love you!

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