Monday, August 1, 2011

Happiness or Joy?

I have often thought about the scripture, "Man are, that they might have joy."
Today it is taking on a new meaning; or should I say a greater understanding.
There are many things in life that bring us happiness.
I married Bob because he made me happy. We had fun together, we had a lot of happy days, but as I think back, there was very little 'joy'. I had true joy the day that each of our children were born. Is it fair to say that although I was sometimes happy with Bob the only true joy I felt came from my children?
Joy comes from such a deeper place; from doing what is right and good.
We can find happiness in a lot of different ways...
...winning at a card game
...passing an important test
...getting a new car
but when you really think about it, that is a happiness that eventually wanes.
Those of you that have children...does the joy you felt the day that child came into your world ever wane?
When Christ was born the Angel said, "I bring you tidings of great JOY" That joy far surpasses happiness...
I think that is why I have a love/hate relationship with girls camp...
I can honestly say that the experiences didn't always make me happy, in fact they generally DIDN'T make me happy...
but, they brought me great JOY.
The experiences brought me closer to my Savior, and the experiences brought the girls that I love closer to the Savior...
and that is JOY.
Tiffany and Jessica, remember when we went on Trek? You were both so miserable...
hot, cold, tired, hungry...I was miserable too!
But the lessons I learned changed a part of me.
I experienced JOY.
Joy because of the testimonies that I heard and felt.
Joy because there was an equality amongst the travelers; we were all at our worst, and that is when we relied on our Savior the most.
Joy that we didn't have to live like that everyday; that we got to go home to a hot shower and a soft bed
...and Taco Bell.
What would bring me my greatest joy?
One very simple thing...
Being sealed to each of my children.
Because I chose happiness over Joy none of my children were born in the new and everlasting covenant, and today that makes me sad...the happiness has been replaced with sadness...
Joy can never be replaced, it can only be added upon.
Elder Bruce C. Hafen wrote: "The Lord cannot save us without our own good-faith matter how much He would give to make us His...He not only would not, He cannot control us against our will."
Satan's plan is just the opposite...he first seeks to control us, and then destroys us.
My prayer is that this week you each seek the things that bring you JOY!

I love you all...

Make it a JOYfull week.

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