Monday, February 28, 2011

To be or not to be...

I have been reading a book lately by Sheri Dew entitled 'No One Can Take Your Place'. She writes about how important our roles are in this life. I read something last night that I thought I would like to share, so the next paragraph or two are from her book.

As a journalist for the Saturday Evening Post in Europe during the 1930's, Dorothy Thompson witnessed Hitler's rise to power. During an address at a convention in Toronto on May 2, 1941, she said this, "Before this epoch is over, every living human being will have chosen. Every living human being will have lined up with Hitler or against him. Every living human being will either have opposed this onslaught or supported it. For if he tries to make no choice, that in itself will be a choice. If he takes no side, he is on Hitler's side. If he does not act, that is an act - for Hitler."

Then Sheri Dew takes it to the institution of the Family. And she said this, "Before this era is over, every living human being will have chosen. Every living human being will have lined up in support of the family as we know it and as God intended it, or against it. Every living human being will either have opposed the onslaught against the family or supported it. For if we make no choice, that in itself will be a choice. If we do not act in behalf of the family, that itself will be an act in opposition to the family."

Sheri then challenges women - "As women who care about our families in particular and about the family in general, as mothers and wives, grandmothers and sisters and aunts, we no longer have the luxury of standing by and watching what is happening all around us. It is time to stand up and be counted.
I remember that Tiffany used to have a poster on her wall that said, "Stand for something, even if you're standing alone".
Now is the time for courage, the world is only going to get worse.
My prayer is that we will not be afraid to do what we know is right.
I love you all.

Monday, February 14, 2011


So, my first thought is actually a question...Why do my best thoughts come in the middle of the night?

Last night I kept waking up, thinking about blogs. I was wondering if I should start another blog to write my thoughts and keep this one just for the Ark. I must have woke up a dozen times with the same thing on my mind, I know now that the reason it keeps coming back is because it is unresolved. So I am going to resolve it right now. No, I am not starting another blog, I can put everything I want here. Only a handful of people read it anyway.

That is another thing. I think a blog is more for the person writing it than it is for the people who read it. It is like keeping a journal. You are able to sort things out in your mind. You are able to have 'closure'. So dear family, I will also be putting in some of my thoughts, my frustrations, and some of the unanswered questions that float around in my head. I keep hoping that one day there will not be enough room in my head for any 'floating' to happen but no, I never get it full enough no matter how I try. I think sometimes it is like a strainer. I put tons in but there is so much that just goes right through. This blog is going to allow me to keep all the good stuff....hopefully. :)

Yes, you all know that I am a 'forgetter'. Is that a word? Probably not, but here in hollieworld it is...So this blog will help me remember, and will give you all the thoughts just in case I do forget and then you can help me remember. Thank you in advance.

Now, let's get on with what I got on here to say. Maybe that is the problem, I think I have so MUCH to say that I don't know where to start. blah, blah, blah....poor Terry, he has to put up with this all the time. Did I tell you all how much I love you? Thanks to all of you for putting up with me.

OK. So in my babbling I think I figured out what is bugging me. I got a call the other day, the Relief Society President wants to do a focus page on me for the month of March. Now for most people it is not really a big deal. And in reality it is not really a big deal, it's not like it's the New York Times. It's a simple little life sketch. I just feel so insignificant. I read the other sketches every month, sometimes I even cry because I feel so average. What do I have to offer? I told a couple of ladies at work and they said, "Oh if only we could write it." They know me pretty well...

I am really worried about what to say. I don't have any medals, my victories didn't come with any type of recognition. I didn't do a mighty recital or write a dissertation. I don't have a diploma, I didn't study under some amazing artist or musician. I've made so many mistakes, I didn't have the 'happily ever after', I do now, but it came after a lot of heartache and trials. I don't think anyone will look at my life and say, "When I grow up I want to be her." And that is OK with me, I just don't think I want every woman in the ward to say that.

Now, don't get me wrong. I really like who I am, I have embraced my life and my journey. I like the person that all my trials helped me to become. Maybe I can say that I studied under the greatest teacher, musician, artist, and master of all. All I learned was at the footstool of my Savior. And for that I am so grateful. My trials literally forced me to rely on Him, because I had no one else. But that is so personal, I don't want everybody to know that. So here I am, back at square one. Today at 3pm I will be interviewed and I don't have a clue what to say.

I am so blessed to have such great parents who taught me all the important things. The principles of the Gospel. Who taught me to not call them every time my life caused me to stumble, who taught me to rely on the One that is really and truly always there. I am grateful for my Savior, my Best Friend. My soft place to fall and my Rock.
Have a great Valentines day! Thank you all for being my Valentines! I love you!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I grew up in a family of 'horse' people. No, they didn't walk on four feet, or whinny, they didn't eat oats, well maybe they DID eat oats. :) They just really loved horses. Me, not so much. Oh, I had my share of experiences with the beautiful animals but it didn't take me long to learn that the more beautiful they were the more Feisty they were. So I learned to like the not so pretty ones better. The old nags that couldn't move very fast or were just too tired to buck me off. I did actually get bucked off a horse one time. It scared me so bad that I swore I would never ride again. I think I was about 10. I saddled my noble steed and rode off into the sunset. I pushed that horse and pushed that horse to go faster, faster. I didn't know that she was pregnant and just didn't like the game I was playing with her. She finally got tired of me and simply threw me to the ground. I felt like I flew through the air for 10 minutes before I finally came in contact with the hard ground. It knocked the wind out of me, and that really scared me, I don't think that had ever happened before. I was all alone in the middle of the desert with this stupid horse that was just looking at me like I was the stupid one...really? So, I walked her home, literally, I didn't ride her, I walked her like a dog and put her away. She had a colt the next day. Poor little thing. I felt bad because I had been so mad at her. I even watched her give birth, it was the most amazing thing I had ever seen. Her baby was so little. Did I mention that she was a Shetland pony? Yes, my noble steed that sent me flying was a Shetland pony. Yup, that was one of those 'tender mercies' from my Heavenly Father. If you have to get thrown from a horse let it be a little horse. ;) My words of wisdom for the day.
No really, the reason I have horses on my mind today is because of the testimony a gentleman shared on Sunday. He is an older man, probably in his 80's. He looks and acts older that my Dad. He talked about a horse he and his siblings shared when they were young. The horse was their only mode of transportation and they loved him. He was dependable and a true friend. He said that one year they asked their dad if they could enter their horse in the race at the county fair. Their dad laughed and said that that old horse would never win a race, that he was just an old work horse. But the kids pleaded with their father. They told their father that they knew he would never win but they thought it would be a wonderful experience for their horse to be running next to champions. That really touched me. I believe that when we have the opportunity to rub shoulders with greatness it makes us stand a little taller. So this week my challenge to you is to "Stand a little TALLER"
I love you all