Sunday, March 27, 2011

We believe...

Article of Faith #3 We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel. I Love the simplicity of The Articles of Faith. I am continually learning. It reminds me a little of Shrek. He explained that he had layers, like an onion. I keep peeling back more layers and there is always something new to learn. One of my favorite "Atonement" analogies is one I heard today. The law of gravity. If we jump out of an airplane we will fall to the ground. We have parachutes that can help us float gently, and will save us from the fall. It isn't enough to just know that the parachute exists. We must purchase one and learn how to use it for it to be effective. Just like the parachute, it isn't enough just to know or even acknowledge that the Atonement it real, we must learn how to use it in our lives for it to be effective. I promise that if you learn how to use our Savior's Atonement you will live a happier, more complete life. Heavenly Father is Real. He Loves You and wants you to be happy. I love you all.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hollie,this is Ben.
    I looked and looked for your Blog under UShambelt, and when Dixie saw it she laughed and laughed because I had got it backwards! Dumb me, always getting things backwards, but I know that someday the last shall be first, and then my day will come. Anyway, when I started reading your blog it took me half the night! But it was wonderful and very uplifting. Thank you for your thoughts and your kind words, your an inspiration to me.
